25 Selenium methods with Story telling!
3 min readApr 17, 2024
- WebDriver. get(String url): Our journey begins with this method, as it navigates the WebDriver to a specified URL, opening the door to our testing adventure.
- WebElement. sendKeys(CharSequence… keysToSend): Like a magician’s wand, this method sends a sequence of keystrokes to a web element, allowing us to interact with input fields and forms.
- WebElement. click(): With a simple click, this method triggers the element’s click event, enabling us to simulate user interactions like button clicks and links.
- WebElement. getText(): This method retrieves the visible inner text of the web element, providing us with valuable information for verification and assertion.
- WebDriver. findElement(By by): As our journey unfolds, this method finds the first web element within the current page using the given locator strategy.
- WebDriver. findElements(By by): Similar to the previous method, but it returns a list of all matching web elements, expanding our testing horizons to handle multiple elements.
- WebElement. getAttribute(String name): Like a treasure map, this method retrieves the value of the specified attribute of the web element, unlocking hidden insights.
- WebElement. isDisplayed(): With this method, we can determine if a web element is currently being displayed on the page, aiding in visibility checks during our testing quest.
- WebElement. isEnabled(): Much like a gatekeeper, this method verifies if the web element is currently enabled or not, helping us validate interactive elements’ states.
- WebElement. isSelected(): This method checks if a checkbox, radio button, or option in a dropdown menu is currently selected, guiding us in verifying user choices.
- WebDriver. navigate(). refresh(): When the need arises to refresh the current page, this method becomes our trusty companion, reloading the page and renewing our testing canvas.
- WebDriver. navigate(). to(String url): With this method, we can navigate to a new URL within the same browser window, exploring different regions of the web during our testing odyssey.
- WebDriver. switchTo(). alert(): When unexpected pop-up alerts appear, this method allows us to switch the WebDriver’s focus to the alert, enabling us to handle it gracefully.
- WebDriver. switchTo(). defaultContent(): Like a homing beacon, this method returns the WebDriver’s focus to the default content, ensuring we navigate back to familiar territory after handling iframes.
- WebDriver. switchTo(). frame(int index): With this method, we can switch the WebDriver’s focus to a specific iframe on the page, extending our reach to interact with embedded content.
- WebDriver. switchTo(). frame(String nameOrId): Similar to the previous method, but here we target the iframe by its name or ID attribute, offering flexibility in our testing strategy.
- WebDriver. switchTo(). window(String windowHandle): When multiple browser windows are open, this method allows us to switch the WebDriver’s focus to a specific window by its unique handle, enabling seamless testing across windows.
- WebDriver. manage(). window(). maximize(): Like expanding our view, this method maximizes the browser window, providing us with ample space to conduct our testing endeavors.
- WebDriver. manage(). timeouts(). implicitlyWait() : With this method, we can set a global timeout for the WebDriver to implicitly wait for elements to appear, enhancing stability and reliability in our tests.
- Actions. moveToElement(WebElement toElement): As if guided by intuition, this method moves the mouse cursor to the center of the specified web element, facilitating actions like hover and context menu interactions.
- Actions. clickAndHold(WebElement onElement): With a steady hand, this method clicks and holds the specified web element, paving the way for drag-and-drop operations and other complex interactions.
- Actions. release(): Like setting a bird free, this method releases the mouse button previously held down, concluding drag-and-drop operations and other mouse-related actions.
- Actions. keyDown(Keys theKey): When the need arises to simulate pressing a specific keyboard key, this method presses down the specified key, unlocking a world of keyboard-driven interactions in our testing journey.
- Actions. keyUp(Keys theKey): Similar to the previous method, but here we release the previously pressed key, ensuring precise control over keyboard interactions during our testing expedition.
- JavascriptExecutor. executeScript(String script, Object… args): Like casting a spell, this method executes JavaScript code within the context of the current page, offering unparalleled flexibility and power in our testing rituals.
Swaroop Nadella
Test Automation Engineer, Tech Educator
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