Simple steps to create a GitHub profile

Swaroop Nadella
2 min readOct 6, 2024


Is GitHub profile important as a Software Tester?

If you are into Automation Testing and looking to showcase your skill set with practical hands-on projects — having a GitHub profile definitely helps.

In this blog we will explore the Steps you can follow to create an GitHub Account, creating new repositories and adding ReadMe file to the repo.

If you intend to learn from other people’s work, do checkout the GitHub profiles using search feature on the website and learn from their work. There are many existing projects, frameworks and practice portfolios published for free on GitHub which you can utilize for learning purpose.

GitHub portfolio work helps to add some value to your skills listed in the Resume. You could also confidently talk about these hands-on projects during the Interviews.

Create and publish your practice projects (Web or API Automation practice), don’t need to be perfect, start something and keep going in Iterations.


Some Steps are listed below which can be useful for creating new GitHub profile.

1. Sign Up for a GitHub Account

Go to GitHub’s website.

Click on “Sign Up” and enter your email, create a password, and choose a username.

Confirm your email address through the verification link sent to your inbox.

2. Set Up Your Profile

Once signed in, click on your profile icon at the top right and select “Your Profile.”

Add a profile picture, bio, and relevant information such as your location or website link to personalize your profile.

3. Create Your First Repository

Click the “+” icon at the top right and select “New Repository.”

Give your repository a name, choose whether it will be public or private, and add a README file.

A README file is important as it allows you to introduce your project and provide instructions to visitors.

4. Customize Your README Profile

To make your profile more personal, create a special repository with the exact same name as your GitHub username.

GitHub will automatically display the README file from this repository on your profile page.

In this README, you can include a brief introduction, your skills, projects, and links to your social media profiles or portfolio.

5. Explore and Contribute

Explore other repositories to see how developers structure their projects.

Start by forking or cloning open-source projects, contributing to them, or just starring them to follow updates.

As you contribute, your profile will show your activity and contributions to the open-source community.

Refer to my GitHub profile — Starred repositories for some useful Automation Testing framework content:

Swaroop Nadella
Test Automation Engineer, Tech Educator

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