Software Defect Life Cycle with Storytelling!

Swaroop Nadella
2 min readOct 7, 2024


created by Swaroop Nadella using Microsoft Designer

In the land of Software Development, there was a Team of Testers known as “The Bug Busters.”

Their mission?
To hunt down defects and make the software world a better place.

Let me tell you the journey of a defect,

from its discovery to its final fate:

- New Bug Found (Discovery):
During their daily explorations, a Bug Buster spotted something strange — a defect lurking in the code. They captured it, recorded its details, and marked it as “New.” The journey of the defect had just begun.

- Assigned (The Bug is Chained):
The Bug Buster didn’t keep the defect to themselves. Instead, they handed it over to the Developer, the warrior skilled in fixing. The developer now had the responsibility to handle this new threat.

- Open (Preparing for the Battle):
The developer examined the defect, acknowledging its presence and preparing to fix it. This was the moment the defect officially became “Open,” ready to be worked on.

- Fixed (Battle Won):
After a fierce struggle, the developer emerged victorious. The defect was defeated, and the code was repaired. The developer proudly marked the defect as “Fixed,” but the Bug Busters knew their work wasn’t done yet.

- Retest (Double-Check):
The Bug Busters returned to the scene of the battle, testing the same area of the software to ensure the defect was truly gone. If everything worked as expected, they could declare victory.

- Reopen (The Comeback, if Needed):
Sometimes, the Bug Busters discovered that the defect had resurfaced or wasn’t completely fixed. In those cases, they “Reopened” the defect, sending it back to the developer for another round.

- Closed (End of the Journey):
Finally, if the retest was successful and the defect was completely defeated, it was marked as “Closed.” The defect’s journey ended here, never to return.

And so, with teamwork and vigilance, the Bug Busters ensured that every defect was properly handled, and the software was free from flaws.

This is how defects lived and died in the world of testing.

Swaroop Nadella
Test Automation Engineer, Tech Educator

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