What to learn as QA Fresher in 2024?
As an Beginner into Software Testing and Automation, often QA Freshers are confused on what to learn.
So this article helps to create an guide or roadmap, to help them navigate the Preparation and help to standout in the crowded Job market in 2024 and beyond.
There is no single course which will have everything on the topics listed below.
Internet is your playground and Google search; YouTube is the first place you could get most of the answers on each topic, if you intend to learn at zero cost.
Practice is your magic wand to skill up, as an QA Fresher or even for Experienced folks.
1) Software Testing Fundamentals — understand basics
2) API Testing with Postman — learn Rest API fundamentals
3) Core Java programming — important for automation test learnings.
4) Beginner to Intermediate level coding — logic building and interviews
5) Selenium UI automation, hand’s on with TestNG framework + Selenium Grid + Docker + Git + Jenkins is good to have.
Some awareness of Automation is needed.
Saying I don’t know anything doesn’t help.
6) SQL basics and writing SQL queries — database testing awareness helps
7) Good communication skills — able to present effectively.
Maintain One Personal Technical Blog. Any website — Medium, Blogspot, Wordpress, etc.
You can also publish the same blogs as LinkedIn article as an additional post for increasing the visibility on LinkedIn feed.
Write some content regularly every week in your blog, Two micro topics (Testing and Automation). Content ideas are unlimited as you learn each topic.
Maintain GitHub personal Account with Practice work projects, publish the code into a new Git Repository.
Include the Practice portfolio projects work in your Resume.
Having only skills listed doesn’t help to get shortlisted or standout when there are 1000s of people applying to same job opportunity.
Do you have any other comments or suggestions? do share for helping other folks reading this article.
Swaroop Nadella
Test Automation Engineer, Tech Educator
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Core Java and Coding for Automation Testers — Udemy Course
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